Analysis Tools DIY

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After you complete a basic dream interpretation (for instructions, see Interpret Your Dream), you can explore the meaning of your dream further using the following DIY tools.

Step-by-Step Intuitive Interpretaton

Your intuition is the key to understanding dream meaning. Your intuition can translate puzzling dream symbols into meanings and messages that you can understand. For step-by-step instructions to anaylyze your dream using your intuition, see the following page at

Interpreting Your Dreams

Free-Form Writing

Your subconscious mind already knows the meaning of your dream. Free-form writing can create a space for your subconscious mind to reveal more about dream meaning. This exercise is like opening a window into the place where your dream originally came from.

  1. With pen and paper on hand, sit down and reread your dream description or close your eyes and replay your entire dream. Notice especially how you feel (afraid? angry? peaceful?). Your feelings during the dream (or when reviewing it, in this case) are just as important at the dream events.

  2. Next, begin writing whatever comes to mind, starting with what you're thinking and feeling right now. Don't worry about handwriting or spelling, and don't stop to edit or analyze. If nothing comes to mind, write whatever words are in your mind (I can't think of anything, I wish I could writing something, etc.) and keep writing. If you get stuck, give yourself prompts like "If I knew what this dream means, it would be..." or "What stands out most about the dream is..." or "Right now I am feeling...".

  3. Keep writing until you have a definite feeling that there is nothing left to be said.

  4. Explore what you wrote for clues about dream meaning.

Dream Dialoguing

Tap into your subconscious understanding of the dream by creating a dream dialog with a symbol or character from your dream. For complete instructions, see Dream Dialoguing.

Draw Characters or Symbols

Art is another way to tap into your subconscious mind to help discover clues to dream meaning. Consider these approaches, or get creative and come up with your own ideas.

  • Draw of a key character from your dream. Then set the drawing aside and look at it again later to see what feelings you get about their identity or messages.

  • Draw a picture of a key dream symbol or something that stood out in your dream. Again, set it aside and revisit later to see what further insights come forward.

  • Do a free-form doodle of various aspects from your dream: people, symbols, feelings, reactions, etc.

  • For more insight about a particular part of your dream, create a drawing that expresses how you were feeling during that part of your dream: anger, happiness, frustration, gratitude, etc.

Diagram Your Dream

Mapping out your dream in chronological order can provide a new perspective on the dream, and may reveal new dream details and meanings. Complete the following steps,paying attention to intuitive insights that occur during your process.

  1. Draw a timeline of your dream showing the events in the order they happened.

  2. Add words or drawings of key symbols that stood out, in the appropriate points on the timeline.

  3. Add names or drawings about the characters in the dreams, in the appropriate places on the timeline.

  4. Add descriptions of how you were feeling during different parts of the dream, in the appropriate points on the timeline.

Discuss Your Dream with Someone Else

Describing and talking about your dream with someone else may help stimulate your subconscious mind to reveal more about the meaning of your dream. You may want to talk with a friend or family member, or a dream expert (such as at